District Highlights

2019 Leaders of Tomorrow: Ryan McPhee, PME

Ryan McPhee is a very compassionate, respectful, and outgoing person who is always ready and willing to give back to the school and the community.  His friendly, personable and mature nature are just a few of the traits that make Ryan a valued member of Pitt Meadows Elementary.

Ryan is always the first to offer to help out teachers and students without hesitation.  Within the school, Ryan can be found helping younger students with reading, assisting within the library as book monitor, helping out at the office, doing morning announcements, setting up the gym for assemblies, leading assemblies, and offering his help where it is needed.

Ryan has been a member of the PME Leadership program and has had the privilege/opportunity to attend and participate in the District Student Voice.  Ryan is comfortable talking within groups as he actively listens to other people’s comments and thoughts, and reflects accordingly. Ryan’s interests in and concerns about community and environmental issues became evident through his active participation in the District Public Speaking contest. 

Out of school, Ryan can be found walking his dog, playing a number of sports (hockey, skiing, golf) or helping out at the local community food banks, serving food and listening to the concerns of others. Ryan’s passion and interest definitely lie within the realm of social sciences (history), but he is excited to explore more of the sciences in high school. Ryan wants to be in a position where he is able to help others and help people make good choices for the future.

His strong moral compass and his humanitarianism make Ryan McPhee a definite Leader of Tomorrow!

About Leaders of Tomorrow

The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District (SD42) has teamed up with the Maple Ridge News to celebrate local students who are making a difference at school and in the community. Elementary and secondary students featured as Leaders of Tomorrow were picked by their principals for making positive achievements in academics, sports, arts and community involvement.

The list is just a sample of outstanding students in the school district selected by their school during the 2018/19 school year – there are many others who were equally deserving of recognition for their exemplary achievements both inside and outside the classroom. Every Tuesday throughout the school year, SD42 will profile a student selected as one of the 2019 Leaders of Tomorrow.

Our vision
Our vision is for every individual to feel valued and for all learners to reach their potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to support all individuals in their development as successful learners, and as respectful, caring and responsible members of society.